Toaster is almost left on Mars but the others come back for him. Toaster jumps off with Hearing Aid's brother and destroys the rocket. They are all about to return to Earth when suddenly Hearing aid's brother forgot to deactivate the rocket. When asked by Toaster why Supreme Commander changed his mind about blowing up the Earth, he says "the touch of the small boy's hand" reminded him that not all humans are bad. They have not seen each other since sixty years. The appliances go into the freezer of Supreme Commander and find another Hearing Aid that is the brother of Hearing Aid.

After a while we learn that Toaster wins the election and is the new Supreme Commander. Toaster ends up between an election with Supreme Commander ("Humans"). He smiles at the child, before returning his original color. His hand touches Supreme Commander, and the refrigerator suddenly begins to turn pink. In between the fight, Robbie is able to push a hand out of his bubble. They then learn that they are going to blow the Earth up because their old owners threw them out, and Toaster tries to talk them out of it. The appliances follow a group of military toasters who had just arrived to their leader Supreme Commander who is a huge refrigerator. They meet a Christmas angel named Tinselina who was sent to Mars with Viking 1. The appliances crash on Mars and find Robbie. During their flight a pack of balloons appear who fly endlessly in space from hands who let them go ("Floating"). They set off in space to go to Mars and find Robbie. They get the microwave and cheddar cheese popcorn to help them fly, as it is organic, a laundry basket, and the ceiling fan. They get Wittgenstein the old supercomputer to help them and gives them advice. After that they all find out that he was sent to Mars. The appliances chase after Hearing Aid but then Robbie disappears in a bubble through space. The appliances appear in the room when a big beam of light appears. Lampy tries to get him down but he is dragged up the stairs and his plug slips out and falls down the stairs.

The appliances awake and find Robbie going up the stairs. The "little master", as they call baby Robbie, awakes to the sound and gets out of his crib and follows Hearing Aid. Later when it is midnight everyone falls asleep just when Hearing Aid escapes from the drawer. The next morning, Toaster tells what happened last night then they all agree to stay on watch of the drawer till he comes out. Toaster gets very suspicious about him when he was talking to someone in space. Toaster then sees him and follows him up to the attic. Later, the Hearing Aid, who was left in a drawer in their new house from the past owner gets out of the drawer and passes everyone who is asleep. At first the appliances all think that they will pay more attention to him but later get used to him ("I See a New You"). Rob and Chris have a baby boy named Robbie.